A Letter from Executive Director, Lisa Haney

With deep gratitude for the part you play as a member of this unique learning organization, I am looking back with pride at another year of challenge and change. Our new CATDC team hit the ground running last August, and I cannot imagine a better group of individuals to help create and manage the professional…

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3 Core Strategies for More Impactful Gatherings

I spent much of the summer immersed in professional development with California educators as Executive Director of CATDC. I reveled in the opportunity to be a participant observer, witnessing months of planning come to exuberant life, soaking up what I could from the facilitators as well as the teachers and administrators in the room or…

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A Letter from Executive Director, Lisa Haney

As I prepare to enter my seventh year as Executive Director of CATDC, I feel proud of our evolution as an organization and excited about what is to come. At the heart of my leadership is my belief in the power of education to transform young people, to help them become more thoughtful, skillful, and…

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Caring for Teachers

I live and work two blocks away from a large public high school and two doors down from a preschool. Often the sound of children squealing or teenagers shouting floats up to my home office. Usually, I relish the noise; it has been five years since I left the classroom, and I still miss being…

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Coaching: the Eyes, Ears and Wise Guidance We Need

Women in Tech workshop

Education is more than the information we accumulate in our heads. It’s the habits we develop as we keep revising our drafts and the skills we build to keep learning. –Adam Grant, Think Again I began teaching in an independent school with no idea how to best support my students’ learning, despite having a Masters…

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A Letter from Executive Director, Lisa Haney

In the summer of 2001, two hundred educators gathered to partake in our first ever Summer Institute, a deeply collaborative effort, held in various spaces at the Town School for Boys, Schools of the Sacred Heart and San Francisco University High School. Buses circulated the area to transport participants to presentations and break out room…

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Black Lives Matter: Resources and a Commitment from CATDC

We are angry and sad. The recent horrific murder of George Floyd, coming on the heels of the killing of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, has sparked global outrage and we join the collective call: the violence against Black men and women must stop. During this time of grief and protest, john a. powell, Director…

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Supporting Great Teachers to Stay

As a former Dean of Faculty at an independent school and now Executive Director of the California Teacher Development Collaborative (CATDC), I know well the energy and resources that go into recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new faculty. Given the shortage of teachers in California as well as greater attrition and churn, I have been giving…

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Changing Lives Through Collaboration

Creative collaboration with teachers in the service of student learning has been a deep current running through my career. As Executive Director of the CATDC, learning with and from other educators has become not only a passion, but one of my primary job responsibilities.

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