Our Growing Team

The CATDC is thrilled to announce that our team is growing! We have hired two Associate Director of Programs to support our program and membership growth in Southern and Northern California. We have also brought on our Central California consultant, Josie Bahedry, to work with us in an ongoing capacity as our Central California Program Coordinator. With her leadership, we have offered two local workshops and have welcomed six schools in Central California to the CATDC. We look forward to deepening this partnership in the coming school year.

In Southern California, the new role of Associate Director of Programs was filled by Lisa Gumina on August 1st. Lisa comes to the CATDC after a twenty year career in both public and independent schools. She was most recently at Vistamar School in Los Angeles, where she moved into her role as both a Humanities teacher and the Director of Teaching and Learning, creating programs around teacher evaluation, support, and growth. Working with faculty reinforced her belief around strong collaborative relationships. Lisa learned early on in her career to take advantage of professional development opportunities for the sake of improving her craft as a teacher and coach, while building community with fellow educators. 

And in Northern California, we welcome Cathy Aragon as Associate Director of Programs. Cathy began her career in education as an elementary school teacher, working primarily in independent schools in San Francisco. During that time, she emerged as a leader in her community, becoming an instructional coach at San Francisco Day School. Cathy describes her transition to leadership, “As I moved into this new role, I had many questions ranging from, how do I even do this new job? to what type of leader do I want to be? Throughout it all, the CATDC was there offering high-quality professional development and networking opportunities to help me along my journey. Through the CATDC I gained skills for reflection, leadership, and career advancement. I also met many passionate educators who have become my colleagues, friends, and mentors–expanding my network beyond my school. As the new Northern California Associate Director of Programs, I look forward to creating for others similar professional development opportunities to those that benefitted me.” In addition to Cathy’s extensive knowledge of classroom teaching and teacher development, she is also trained in Universal Design for Learning and presents on how UDL provides access for all learners. As an emerging presenter, Cathy’s focus is equity, access, and identity. At the upcoming NAIS People of Color Conferences in Seattle she will present on how to support young people in their identity development, based on her work as a Latinx affinity group leader.

Said Executive Director, Lisa Haney, “Cathy, Lisa and Josie bring a wealth of wisdom, experience, and expertise to our team. The work of the CATDC is becoming increasingly important and with their support we will be able to deepen and extend our impact across the state.

Please join us in welcoming Josie, Lisa, and Cathy!

1 Comment

  1. Jane Young on August 27, 2019 at 5:45 pm

    What a fabulous, strong team!!

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