News and Views





Learning by Teaching: Experiential Education in Action for New Educators

At the heart of Crane Country Day School’s mission is experiential education. Teachers are challenged with creating thought-provoking experiential lessons, which often include culminating projects ...
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Adult Learning That Lasts

At the CATDC, we deeply believe in the power of bringing people together to share ideas and reflect on their learning experiences. These foundational values ...
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Seizing the Day Inside and Outside of the Classroom: The Diamond Curriculum

Santa Barbara Middle School offers students in grades 6-9 a profound educational experience, guiding young people as they transition to adolescence. Through ancient traditions and ...
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Supporting Great Teachers to Stay

As a former Dean of Faculty at an independent school and now Executive Director of the California Teacher Development Collaborative (CATDC), I know well the ...
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Our Growing Team

The CATDC is thrilled to announce that our team is growing! We have hired two Associate Director of Programs to support our program and membership ...
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Healthy Sexuality Education

I became the “consent lady” by default. A health educator for 25 years, I value all aspects of wellness--sex education included. While developing the Health ...
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