News and Views





Camping and The Pleasure of Small Things at Peninsula School

At Peninsula School, our values include authentic interactions, community, equity, freedom and responsibility, meaningful academics, and play. Keeping these core values in our hearts allows ...
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Connecting Education to Community Impact

I am going to begin with a true and uncomfortable statement. The schools where we teach are very expensive. Crazy expensive. In fact, tuition for ...
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The Use of Being Useful

One October a few short years ago, a Midland student named Cruz was visiting a college on his application list and found himself eating alone ...
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The Growing Learning Community in Central California

What do you get when you take a dash of ocean swims at sunrise, a bushel of chopped wood to heat the water for your ...
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Why the Horse Remains Central to the Thacher Experience

The nature of the Thacher Horse Program and the gifts it bestows can test the limits of reason and language. As the program’s longtime director ...
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Strengthening School Communities through Intentional Relationship Building

As an instructional coach at San Francisco Day School, I often found myself in situations where I was straddling two worlds. With one foot in ...
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