Teaching Foundations (Northern California)
Jul 31, 2023 4:00PM—Aug 04, 2023 3:00PM
Head-Royce School | Oakland, CA
Cost $2,325 members; $1,975 group-rate; $3,475 non-members
Categories Curriculum & Pedagogy, In-Person, Summer Institute
Teaching Foundations
SOCIAL EVENT: July 31, 2023 | 4:00pm - 6:00pm | The Athletic Club in Oakland, CA
SESSION 1: August 1, 2023 | 9:00am - 3:00pm | Head-Royce School
SESSION 2: August 2, 2023 | 9:00am - 3:00pm | Head-Royce School
SESSION 3: August 3, 2023 | 9:00am - 3:00pm | Head-Royce School
SESSION 4: August 4, 2023 | 9:00am - 3:00pm | Head-Royce School
The Teaching Foundations program is designed to support the growth and success of all teachers—particularly those in their early years at independent schools—by focusing on foundational areas of teaching. Clearly, COVID-19 continues to change the landscape of teaching and learning, presenting us with new challenges and opportunities in the field of education. Teachers must be ready for new forms of learning, adopting and refining their curriculum and practice to respond to the ever changing demands while simultaneously developing a steadiness that promotes their own well-being and safeguards the social-emotional needs of their students.
Sessions are organized around the following topics: identity and culture (self, school, and learning environment); lesson design and pedagogy; building successful professional relationships; communication and feedback; and sustaining a career in teaching.
Led by master teachers, administrators, and guest presenters, this respected program provides participants with personalized attention and specific instruction that is adaptable for all grade levels. Emphasis is placed on modeling and using inclusive practices for lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment, as well as on developing time management and communication skills, cultural humility, and confidence as an advisor and leader. Even seasoned teachers find useful tools and benefit from the opportunity to work with top educators in a supportive, inclusive atmosphere.
CATDC and Head-Royce School will be working together to do all we can to ensure your health and safety during our in-person session, monitoring closely nationwide, state, and local updates and recommendations. We ask that you do not attend if you are infected with Covid, have Covid symptoms, or have had close contact with someone who is infected in the last 10 days.
Starting February 2023, we will no longer check vaccination status at the first session of our workshops, but we strongly encourage all CATDC participants to be fully vaccinated.
Given the nature of our in-person programs which gather individuals together from a variety of schools and regions, CATDC may also require or strongly recommend masking indoors and/or testing on a program-by-program basis. Any updated recommendations or requirements will be communicated to participants in a timely fashion prior to a program or session. All Covid-related refund requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation.

Malika Carter has taught in public and private schools for over 20 years. Currently, she serves as Director of Curriculum Design and Continuity at Live Oak School. As a coach, administrator, teacher, and mentor, Malika strives to enable teachers and students to be brave and authentic. As a constructivist, she believes in co-creating learning experiences centered around justice, equity, and inclusion. Malika holds a multiple subject credential and a masters degree in educational leadership.

Leslie Powell is a veteran educator and lifelong learner with a degree in developmental psychology and a multiple subjects credential. In her tenure at Head-Royce she has held many leadership positions including lead teacher, Dean of Faculty & Students in the summer program, Instructional Coach, Associate Teacher program director as well as her current role as Assistant Head of Lower School. A skillful and effective communicator, Leslie strives to create inclusive and engaging learning spaces as a means to foster strong, positive relationships and authentic dialogue.

Amanda Raynor (she/her) currently works as the Program Manager and Northern California Associate Director of Programs for CATDC. Prior to joining CATDC, she spent 9 years at The Hamlin School in San Francisco and has worked in education for roughly 15 years. Next year, Amanda will be returning to the classroom at St. Paul's Episcopal School in Oakland. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from California State University, Chico, Amanda went on to pursue her Multiple Subject Credential, along with a Masters in Education that emphasized recruiting and retaining teachers of color. In addition to working as a first and second grade teacher at Hamlin, she has served as an Associate Teacher Coach, Lower School Affinity Groups Coordinator, and a resident teacher supervisor for the BATTI program.

Steven Spangenberg currently works as a science teacher at Marin Academy. Steven grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, and after earning a BS in Chemistry from The Ohio State University, he moved to Washington DC and worked towards an MS in Chemistry at Georgetown University. Through his experiences studying Chemistry and being a Teaching Assistant, he realized that education was his calling. He has worked in both public and private schools throughout his 9 years of teaching high school science. Steven is focused on creating authentic assessment experiences, engaging in debate on different pedagogical approaches, and inspiring students to become lifelong learners.

Clarke Weatherspoon currently serves as the Head of School of Waverly School in Pasadena, CA. Prior to his current position he served as the Middle School Head of San Francisco Friends School and the Dean of Equity and Inclusion at the Urban School of San Francisco, teaching Identity and Ethnic Studies and Junior Service Learning. During his many years at Urban he also served as the 9th/10th grade dean and taught history courses for 10 years. In 2017 Clarke earned The Hero Award from A Better Chance for his youth empowerment and advocacy work.
Cancellation Policy
Life happens. We understand that there will be times when you cannot attend a workshop that you have registered and paid for. We strive to be as helpful and flexible as possible when things out of your control happen. Please visit our FAQ page for detailed information about our cancellation policy and answers to frequently asked questions about enrollment and membership.