Empowering Black Women

Apr 20, 2021 3:30PM—5:30PM

Cost $125 members; $100 group-rate; $175 non-members

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Institutions that are looking to be more equitable, diverse and anti-racist are also doing so at the emotional and psychological cost of people of color. Black women in particular must know how to identify the ways in which racial stress shows up in the body, mind and soul.

Learn to identify the signs for stereotype threat, imposter syndrome, gaslighting and racial trauma. As we navigate our schools, we can’t do so at the cost of our health. Together we will analyze the experiences Black women face through an identity circle exercise. Facilitators will walk attendees through practical and research-based methods that contribute to their wellness in the workplace. Through role play and practice, facilitators will provide the tools needed to identify racial stressors. Attendees will take a personal inventory of critical check-points to help manage the stressors in their daily lives. This session is designed to be a safe, brave, supportive space for Black/African American women.


  • Participants will be able to recognize the impact of racialized and gendered experiences
  • Participants will be able to make the intentional shifts necessary to develop and foster a healthy workplace by focusing on controllable factors
  • Participants will leave with tools needed for ongoing examination of personal boundaries, resiliency, and accountability
  • Facilitators will identify a range of structures and mechanisms to support participants in their workplace environment

Do you work at an independent school outside of California? Click here for a discount on our non-member registration!



LeRhonda Greats is a diversity practitioner with more than 20 years of experience in training and school administration. She has an extensive background in community building and education support around issues of diversity, equity, social justice and inclusion. LeRhonda has presented diversity workshops that were local as well at several national conferences. She began working as a diversity coordinator in 2001 while also serving as a high school computer department chair and teacher at The Hun School of Princeton. This was a position that she held for 16 years. During her years at The Hun School she also served at the Director of Summer Academic Programs for 9 years as well as a dorm head for a 60 student all girls dorm. In 2015 she accepted the position as the Dean of Diversity and Inclusion at Berkshire School in Sheffield Massachusetts and in 2019 moved to Los Angeles California to accept the role on the Senior Administrator’s team at Viewpoint School. Her current title is Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Life across grades K-12.LeRhonda’s primary role is to educate faculty, parents and students about the many complexities of diversity and inclusion. She serves as a member of the school’s Executive Leadership Team as well as its Committee on Trustees.

Dr. Trina Moore-Southall has been an educator and administrator in K-12 and Higher Ed. schools for over 20 years. She graduated with a BA from UCSB, MA from CalState Northridge, and Ed.D. from Cal Lutheran University where her research focused on a sense of belonging for African Americans in independent schools. In her current position as Director of Equity and Inclusion at Brentwood School, Dr. Southall is focused on creating an environment where all participants and constituents can be their best selves, irrespective of background, experience and lifestyle. She has a passion and love for students, ensuring that the school is strategic about inclusivity with every constituent, in all conversations. As a Diversity Practitioner, Dr. Southall works with various schools, companies and organizations in the areas of professional development, consultation, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator nation-wide. She writes regularly for various publications and is a contributing author for Challenges in Integrating Programs for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Cancellation Policy

Life happens. We understand that there will be times when you cannot attend a workshop that you have registered and paid for. We strive to be as helpful and flexible as possible when things out of your control happen. Please visit our FAQ page for detailed information about our cancellation policy and answers to frequently asked questions about enrollment and membership.