Community Conversation: Social Impact in a Time of Social Isolation (CATDC Online)

Apr 14, 2020 2:30PM—3:30PM




These are unprecedented times. While the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts communities all over the globe, it has been inspiring to witness individuals and groups act to help others, in big and small ways. What are ways we can partner with community organizations while practicing social distancing--and when our schools are conducting classes remotely? With so much need, how do we respond in ways that are helpful rather than hurtful, particularly as a school? And while one of the effects of coronavirus has been social isolation, experts say that staying connected with others is more important than ever. Join us for a conversation to explore these challenges and lift up promising strategies to continue our collective work in this new paradigm.

This conversation is designed for community engagement and service learning coordinators, but is open to any faculty member interested in exploring how schools and students can contribute to and benefit from their communities during this crisis. All Community Conversations are open to CATDC Member Schools.



Mark Friedman is the Community Service Director at The Athenian School working with students in grades 9-12. He also coordinates Athenian’s involvement in Round Square, an international network of 200+ schools. He has led workshops on community engagement and youth leadership at regional, national and international conferences.


Guybe Slangen is the Director of Community Engagement at San Francisco Friends School, a K-8 Quaker school in the city’s Mission District. His work centers around building and sustaining strong relationships between the school and the greater community, be it in the Mission or around the globe. He helped launch and currently serves on the board of Horizons at SF Friends School, a public-private partnership that supports low income public school students in the neighborhood. He also serves on the board of the National Network of Schools in Partnership (NNSP), an organization committed to deepening impact by advancing partnerships between schools and their greater communities.